Another view of Namafjall. One of my favorite spots in Iceland.

Sheep are everywhere! They are different then Canadian sheep in that there are spotted sheep, grey sheep, brown sheep, as well as the normal white and black. This picture doesn't really do justice do the brilliant reds, yellows, and oranges.
That's cool! Not the sheep... Namafjall. - what is it?
mari, at 10:26 PM
I think I actually have the name wrong here, but it's a geothermal field where the heat from the earth's core is reaching the surface. The average depth of the Earth's crust in Iceland is something like 1/3 of that in the rest of the world which accounts for all the cool hot springs and boiling mud. Also, 2 tectonic plates (can't remember which ones) meet right in the middle of Iceland which is another reason for its unique characteristics.
Natasha, at 2:48 PM
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