Saturday, October 21, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ahh...yes, university life. Good thing it's too expensive to drink more than one beer a night!

Next weekend, I am going to try and take some pictures of the high fashion girls in Akureyri. Supposedly the 80s are making a come back. They definitely are here. I've seen sideways ponytails, acid wash, moon boots, girls wearing leggings and oversized sweaters, as well as this denim number. Thankfully, mullets aren't back yet, but sometimes, I think that if I'd brought a costume from an 80s party my clothes would fit in more. All the women are beautiful and the guys pride themselves on having the best looking women in Europe...why they think they can take credit for that is beyond me, as is what they may have done to deserve it!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Men in Suits

I thought I'd post some more "everyday" pictures. The plant is an African Violet that I bought in my second week here. The house seemed really 'dead' without any green, its not much, but it helps. Then there are the tall cans of Thule (Icelandic) beer. Its a nice light beer. Next, is a container of Skyr. This is the favoured dairy product of most Icelanders. Skyr is similar to yogurt, but it is made with skim milk, and uses a different bacteria than yogurt does. It's a bit firmer than yogurt, and may even be tastier. But... it was first described to me as "rotten, curdled, skim milk, and I've been trying, but I can't get that description out of my head as I try to eat it!